To avoid spread of COVID-19 we are taking the following precautions to protect our staff and clients:
For the foreseable future we will be limiting the number of in office client consultations to the most urgent and necessary matters. We will see clients in the office by appointment only. Please telephone the office if you require our advice or wish to discuss an ongoing matter with us. We will attempt to deal with most queries by telephone, email or Skype.
Any appointments scheduled to take place in the office will be in a designated room which will allow us comply with the HSE guidelines for social distancing and disease prevention. We will not allow multiple appointments to be schedule for the same time to avoid congregation of people within the office.
To minimise the time required for appointments the relevant fee earner will contact you to discuss the matter and provide checklist and guides to ensure that the lengths of appointments are kept to the absolute minimum.
We have provided facilities for our solicitors to work remotely therefore their availability for in office appointments will be limited
We will provide emergency contact details on our website (www.sweeneymchugh.ie ) should the need to close our office occur. Our email addresses will remain operational at all times.
We regret any inconvenience caused in the short term.